Projects as Templates:
We’re excited to share an enhancement to a feature you might already be familiar with — the ability to designate projects as templates. This functionality allows you to create new projects by using these templates, bringing over any jobs and documents contained within them.
While this feature has always been part of our toolkit, we’ve made improvements to make it much easier and more intuitive to use. Now, setting up new projects using templates is more streamlined and straightforward, helping you maintain consistency across your projects.
For detailed instructions on how to use this feature, you can refer to the documentation here.
- Filters: Filters across all lists (Projects, Jobs etc) will now remember your previous setting automatically.
- Pay Runs: Can be exported as a CSV file. Read more.
- Staff: Employment details will now take effect at midnight according to your organisation’s set time zone, instead of at midnight UTC. Read more.
- Invoices: Invoice name changes with project client. Read more.
- Purchases: Copy credit card receipts. Read more.
- Global Search: Now includes recurring purchases, shared files and sample report numbers.
- Leave Requests: Now displaying linked timesheets. To unlink, delete the leave request instead of the timesheets.
- Deliverable Recipients: When making deliverables, you can add new recipients directly on the deliverable creation page.
- Approvals: Shared custom jobs created in a parent organisation now enable the selection of approvers from any of the child organisations.
Bug Fixes
- Jobs When jobs are approved, they will automatically be marked as complete.
- Pay Runs: Fix issue with deleted pay expense claims not being added to new pay runs.
- Management Dashboard: Invoicing table now displays Credit Notes.
- Jobs: Incorrect Overdue Job Notification Displayed without any Actual Overdue Jobs.
- Search: Shared documents can now be correctly looked up in the global search.
- Integrations: The Microsoft Integration checks for existing accounts in other entities.
- Integrations: Issue with Boss Outlook Add In preventing emails from being sent in Outlook desktop app.
- Search: Show open projects first when using the global search.
- Pay Runs: Improved error message infomation when loading pay runs.
- Staff Matrix: When viewing a full list of competencies, any confidential competencies that you don’t have access to will be excluded, ensuring the list can be accessed without issues.
- Integrations: Fixed a Microsoft Office license allocation bug.