Invite Staff to Join Organisation

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Sending an Invitation

Once you have registered your organisation, the first thing that you’ll want to do is to invite all of your staff to join your organisation.

To do this, go to the Organisation page and under ‘Human Resources‘ click ‘Invite Staff to Join Organisation‘.

Accepting an Invitation

Invited users will receive an email with a link to follow to accept the invitation.

If the staff member is new to theBOSSapp, they will be sent to an online form to fill out all their details.

If the staff member already has an account, they will be sent to their profile where a list of their current invites can be seen under ‘Details‘ > ‘Invites

Uploading a CSV to Bulk Invite Users

To upload a CSV, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to
  3. Click “Invite Staff to Join Organisation”
  4. Click Upload User List.
  5. Select the CSV containing your staff infomation.

The uploaded CSV must contain columns for:

  • first name
  • last name
  • email address
A template that you can use to fill out user data can be downloaded from the link in the screenshot.
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Invite Staff to Join Organisation

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