User Access Levels

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Within theBOSSapp, there are four ways users are able to access different parts of the app.

  1. Organisation ‘Administrator’ Level
  2. Permission Groups
  3. Position Levels
  4. Groups

Organisation Administrator Level

The organisation administrator level allows access to all data in your organisation. This is the highest level of access so be sure that it is only given to staff that require access to all parts of the business (e.g. senior administrators, stakeholders).

When you create an organisation, you will automatically be an organisation administrator access level, which allows you to give other staff this access.

To give other staff organisation administrator access, go to

'Organisation' > 'Quick Links' > 'Staff' > {staff member}

and click the ‘Add as Administrator’ button on the right hand side of the profile.

Permission Groups

The permission group feature allows organizations to create permission groups and assign certain permissions to these groups. This feature provides granular control over what users are allowed to access and what actions they can perform within the organization’s application.

Creating Permission Groups:

To create a permission group navigate to:

'Organisation' > 'Quick Links' > ‘Permission Groups’

Click on “+” sign and enter a name for the group. Once created, the group will appear in the list of available groups.

Assigning Permissions to Groups: Once the permission group has been created, you can assign permissions to it. Navigate to the “Permissions” tab of the group and select the actions or resources that you want to allow the group to access.

Assigning Users and Positions to Groups: To assign a user or position to a permission group, navigate to the “Subjects” tab of the group and click on “Add Subject”. Select which you would like to add and save the changes.

If you selected a user, they will now have access to the permissions assigned to the group.

When you add a position, not all users assigned to that position will be added to the group, only new users added will be.

Position Levels

Position levels allow you to give certain positions different level of access. There are three position levels, ‘Senior’, ‘Junior’ and ‘Basic’.


Basic staff members only have access to jobs that they are job manager for and projects that they are a project manager for. They also have access to their profile, including adding timesheets and requesting leave.


Junior staff members can see all projects, and jobs that are not ‘confidential’. They are also able to view the supplier and CPIR Register.


The main difference between a ‘Junior’ and ‘Senior’ staff member is that senior staff members are able to see the following:

  • Client List, including adding new clients
  • Deliverable Pricing
  • Purchases
  • Invoices
  • Tenders

Please see the ‘Positions‘ page to get more information about adding positions and adding staff to positions.


When people are added to groups, they will have access to different parts of the system. The most notable of this being the ‘Accounting’ group which gives users extra access to the accounting abilities of the system. For more information on what each group does, please see the ‘Groups’ page.

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