Timesheet Approvers

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To view timesheet approvers, go to ‘Organisation’ > ‘Links’ > ‘Timesheet Approvers’

In order to have a range of people who are able to approve peoples timesheets, you can add in different timesheet approvers for branches.

These people will then show up when a user is adding a timesheet and they select their role, the approval users for the branch will appear in the ‘timesheet approver’ dropdown.

Adding a New Timesheet Approver

To add a new timesheet approver:

  2. Click “Timesheet Approvers”
  3. Click “Add New”
  4. Select the timesheet approver that you would like to add.
  5. Choose the branch that the new approver will have permissions over.
  6. Click “Save”
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Timesheet Approvers

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