Permission Groups

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An access control list (ACL) is a mechanism that allows or denies access to resources, such as Clients, Projects and Billing based on a set of rules defined by an administrator. It is a security feature used to restrict access to sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access.

A checkbox typically represents a permission that can be granted or denied to a User or Position. When the checkbox is enabled, it indicates that the User or Position has been granted the corresponding permission to view the resource. If the checkbox is disabled, it indicates that the User or Position has been denied that permission and will not be able to view the resource.

Setting Up a New Permission Group

  1. Navigate to
  3. Click “Permission Groups”
  4. Click the Add button.
  5. Enter a name for the Permission Group.
  6. Click “Save”
  7. Click the “Permissions” tab.
  8. Enable the permissions that you would like the user to have access to.
  9. Click “Save”

Adding a Position to an Access Control List

  1. Navigate to
  3. Click “Permission Groups”
  4. Click “Positions” to add a Postion & all users inside of it to the Permission Group.
  5. Click the “Add Positions” button.
  6. Click “Save”

Adding a User to an Access Control List

  1. Navigate to
  3. Click “Permission Groups”
  4. Click “Users” to add an individual to the Permission Group.
  5. Click “Positions” to add a Postion & all users inside of it to the Permission Group.
  6. Click the “Add Positions” button.
  7. Click “Save”

Give a User Access to Management Dashboards

Follow these steps to create a new permission group and give it access to Management Dashboards:

  • Navigate to
  • Click “Permission Groups” and then the ‘+’ button.
  • Enter a name for your new permission group. In this case, Management Dashboards. Click Save.
  • Next, we will add permissions to the new permission group.
  • Click “Permissions”
  • Click “view_dashboard”
  • This will give access to the Management Dashboard for any branches that a user has a role in.
  • Now its time to add a user to your new permission group.
  • Click “Users”
  • Click the “Add Users” button and select who you would like to give access to. Click Save.

The person you have just setup access for can now follow these steps to view their management dashboard.

  • Click “DASHBOARDS”
  • Click “Management (BETA)”
  • Click “Select Dashboard”
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Permission Groups

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