The Documents Tab

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The “Documents” feature allows users to upload, organize, and share documents within their profiles. Users can create folders to nest their documents in, making it easy to keep their files organized. Users can also view documents in a dialog, download individual files or entire folders, and can also zip and download multiple documents at once. The feature also supports keybindings such as those found in Microsoft’s File Explorer for selecting specific documents to download.

Getting started

  1. When in a resource profile, on the right hand side, click on the “Documents” tab to navigate to the documents page.
  2. To upload, either click on the documents picture or drag your documents into the the picture and drop the.
  3. You can create a new folder to store your documents by clicking on the “Add Folder” button. To enter a folder double click.
  4. To view a document, double click on the document’s name within the documents page.
  5. To download documents, you can select one or multiple files using the checkboxes and then clicking on the “Download” button in the toolbar. You can also click on the ellipsis and click ‘download’
  6. To download a folder, you can click on the “Download” button within the folder.
  7. If you want to download multiple folders, you can select them and press the “Download” button in the top toolbar.

Organizing documents

  1. To move a document to a different folder, click on the document to select it and drag it into the folder you wish to move it to.
  2. From there, you can select the folder you wish to move the document to.
  3. To rename a document, click on the document and select “Rename” from the options.
  4. Enter the new name and click “Save” to save the changes.
  5. To delete a document, click on the document and select “Delete” from the options.
  6. You can also delete a folder by clicking the “Delete” button within the folder, which will also delete the documents within that folder.

Viewing and Downloading

  1. To view a document, simply click on the document’s name within the documents page.
  2. To download documents, you can select one or multiple files using the checkboxes and then clicking on the “Download” button in the toolbar.
  3. If you want to download an entire folder, you can click on the “Download” button within the folder.
  4. If you want to download multiple folders at the same time, you can select them and press the “Download” button in the top toolbar.
  5. Also, you can zip the files to download them, by selecting the files and clicking on the “Download as Zip” button on the top toolbar.
  6. The files can be selected just like on the Microsoft file explorer. The keyboard shortcuts ctrl+a to select all and ctrl+click to select multiple files are supported


  • If you have any issues uploading a document, please ensure that the file is in a supported format and is not larger than the maximum file size allowed.
  • If you have any issues creating or deleting a folder, please ensure that the folder is empty before attempting to delete it.
  • If you have any other issues, please contact our support team for assistance.

Shared Documents


The “Shared Document Access” feature allows users to share their documents with external stakeholders in a secure and controlled manner. With this feature, users can generate a unique link for a document, which can be shared with external users. These users will only be able to download the document, without the ability to make any changes. Additionally, users can set a password for the link, and can delete the share at any time.

Getting started

  1. Open the document you want to share.
  2. Click on the “Share” button in the toolbar.
  3. A dialog box will appear, where you can specify the following:
    • The external email(s) of the user(s) you want to share the document with
  4. Click “Share” to send the email and generate the unique link.

Accessing a shared document

  1. External users will receive an email with a unique link to the document and instructions on how to access it.
  2. Clicking on the link will open the document in a browser.
  3. Once the document is open, external users will be able to download the document. But will not be able to make any changes.

Managing shared documents

  • Users can view who a document is shared by by clicking the ‘Manage File Share’ button under the document options, document owners can view the email addresses of external users that the document was shared with, as well as the status of the share (e.g. “Active” or “Expired”).
  • Document owners can also delete a share at any time by clicking on the “Delete Share” button next to the corresponding document.
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The Documents Tab

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