Custom Jobs

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The Custom Job Types feature allows organisations to create their own job types with fields that are specific to their business needs.

This means that you can define the exact information that needs to be captured for a particular type of job.

For example, you may have a job type for “Marketing Campaigns” that requires different information than a job type for “Product Development”.

By creating custom job types, you can ensure that the right information is captured for each type of job, making it easier to manage and track them. With this feature, you can create job types with fields such as drop-down lists, checkboxes, text boxes, and more.

View Existing Custom Jobs

To view custom jobs, go to ‘Registers’ > ‘Custom Jobs’

Adding a Custom Job

Custom jobs allow you to create custom forms for jobs.

To create a custom job, go to ‘Registers’ > ‘Custom Jobs’ > ‘Add New’

From here, you can fill out all of the fields that you require and click ‘Save’.

Once you have created a custom job, you will be able to see it in the job types when you click ‘Add new Job’ under a project.

Must be Understood

A custom job can be marked at ‘Must be Understood’. Any job managers who have other jobs in the project within the same time as this job is active will get a notification banner. They can click it to read the details of the job and mark it as understood.

Sign ins can also be setup on each job, where the users name, time and date will be recorded when they mark the job as understood.

Archiving a Custom Job

Deleting a custom job will hide its custom fields on any existing jobs that use that job type. Instead, consider archiving the job to keep all data intact on existing jobs while removing it from the job type list for future job creation.

To archive a custom job:

  • Hover over Registers
  • Click Custom Jobs
  • Click the desired custom job
  • Click the archive button:

Custom Fields

Styling the form

You can change the way the form looks by adding a width value to each field. The form is broken up into 12 columns and so if you give the field a width of 6, it will be half a row long (4 is a quarter and 12 if a full row).

The image below shows the length of the row in relation to the column number:

Moving the order of the fields

In order to move the order of the fields around, you can click and drag the field to move it to the position that you would like.

Automatically Create for Every New Project

Enabling this toggle will create this job against all future projects.

Custom Field Types

There are 11 different types of custom field types that are available when adding in a custom field.

Text Field

The text field is the most basic type of field. This field allows users to input plain text or alphanumeric characters as their answer. The text field is used for situations where a short, open-ended response is required.


When adding a select field, there are two options that you can choose from in order to get values for your field. These are ‘Custom Options’ and ‘From Database’.

The ‘From Database‘ option allows you to make the options pull from other parts of the app.

The ‘Custom Options‘ option allows you to put your own values that will be available for users to select.

When adding in custom options, you are able to have the label separate from the actual value of the custom option. The value of the option will be what will show up in templates filled out from the custom job.


The toggle field lets you have an on or off option.


A file allows users to upload a file to the form.


A constant field is something that cannot be edited by the user. This can be used to add extra information to the form such as a title. The font size of text in a constant can be changed for better visual distinction.


A date field will open a picker for the user to select a specific date. You are able to edit the format of the date by filling in the ‘date format’ field. You can see the different ways to format a date at this table.

Radio Button

A radio button is similar to a select field although with a radio button all available options are shown as buttons.

Star Rating

A star rating allows you to rate things out of 5 stars.


Create a line which is used to visually divide different sections or groups of fields within a custom job.


The signature field allows users to add in their signature.


The formula field type allows you to calculate new values based off other fields in the formula. In order to create a formula, in the ‘formula’ field that appears once you select the formula field type, when you type the $ a list of the available fields will show for you to select. Then you can select which fields you would like to calculate and write the formula in.

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