Adding Timesheets & Productivity

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This section of the documentation will guide you through the process of adding timesheets to the platform.

The timesheet tracking feature allows you to record the time spent on different tasks, jobs, and projects by your team members.

This information is crucial for accurately billing clients and ensuring that your team is working efficiently.

By following the steps outlined in this section, you will be able to easily record and manage your team’s time, providing valuable insights into how your business is running.

Adding a timesheet

  1. Click on your name in the top right hand corner of the page
  2. In the dropdown, click ‘Profile’
  3. On the right hand tab navigation, click ‘Timesheets’
  4. Click ‘Add Timesheet’
  5. You can select the date from the calendar on the right hand side
  6. Fill out your timesheet details
  7. Click on the ‘Productivity’ button
  8. Fill out your productivity by clicking and dragging the time you would like to add
  9. Once completed, you can either click the ‘Save’ button on the productivity page or the timesheet page

Also any jobs that you have completed for that day will also automatically pull across to your productivity.

You can clear these by clicking the ‘Clear Productivity‘ button

You are able to edit productivity by clicking on the block and filling in the modal dialog.

You are also able to change the time by clicking and dragging the block, or clicking the handlers on the top and bottom of the block and making them larger or smaller.

Enabling the ‘Night Shift’ toggle will allow you to enter a timesheet that goes over a day. For example, from 11pm to 2am.

The Job Bar in Productivity

The job bar displays a list of jobs that you own but haven’t yet added to your productivity, which makes allocating time towards your jobs much easier.

Clicking a job in the new bar (circled in the screenshot) will drop it onto your productivity at the scheduled start and finish time.

If the job has no scheduled start and finish time, it will drop into your productivity at 9am or after the last entered item with the duration set to one hour. This can then be edited to a suitable duration.

(Clicking on the title of the job will instead open up the job in a new browser tab.)

As jobs are clicked and added to productivity, the notification banners will have an undo button incase anything is clicked accidentally:

Adding Productivity as a Full Day

Two links will be added to the job bar above the productivity layout: 

  • “Add to Productivity”
  • “Add as a Full Day”

Add to Productivity will drop the job into your productivity at 9am (If the job has no scheduled start and finish time) or after the last entered item with the duration set to one hour. 

Add as a Full Day will set the start and end time of the productivity for that job to the start and end time of your workday.

(If your start and finish time have not been set on the Timesheet tab, the job will default to 9am to 5pm).

Exporting Timesheets as a CSV

You can export your timesheets in CSV format for easier data management and reporting. Once downloaded, the CSV file will include columns for Username, Hours Per Day, and Date, providing you with an overview of the hours that you’ve logged via your timesheets.

After clicking the ‘Export Timesheet to CSV’ button, you’ll be asked to choose a date range. Once selected, the download will start automatically.

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Adding Timesheets & Productivity

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