Communication Log

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The Communication Log in theBOSSapp is designed to record and track multiple communication events, providing your team with a clear history of interactions. This ensures that all communication related to a project or client is documented and easily accessible.

Where to Add Communication Logs

Communication events can be entered from the following locations:

  1. Projects: Navigate to the Communications Log tab within a project record.
  2. Clients: Go to the Communications Log tab in the client record.
  3. The floating menu bar: Use the Add Communication button available in the menu bar for quick access.

Steps to Log Communication

  1. Select the Record Type:
    Choose whether the communication is being logged against a Project or a Client.
  2. Enter the Communication Type:
    Select the type of communication being recorded. Options include:
    – Email
    – Phone Call
    – Meeting
    – SMS
  3. Add Relevant Details:
    Fill in the Details field with information about the communication. This could include key points discussed, actions decided, or any follow-up required.
  4. Attach Files (Optional)
    If relevant, attach any files related to the communication. This could include meeting notes, email screenshots, or other supporting documents.
  5. Save the Communication Log:
    Once all information is entered, click save to ensure the log is recorded.

Viewing Communication Logs

• Communication logs can be viewed under the Communication Log tab in either the Project or Client record, depending on where the log was stored.

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